Fairy tales

A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a….princess, I guess, who, IDK, liked chickens or something.

One day an evil witch thought, "Hahahahahahahhaaa! I'm so evil, I'll turn one of that princess's chickens into a monster! Ha­ha­ha­ha­hah­ha­ha­hah­ha­haaaaa!!!"

So she did.

The chicken, whose name was Dotrichabek, suddenly had glowing purple eyes and purple mist swirling around him. And he could teleport. And he said, "Cha-BEK! I am very evil! Ha­ha­ha­ha­ha­hah­ha­ha­ha­ha­ha­hah­ha­ha­haaa!!!"

Then Dotrichabek blew up the chickens' cage. He said, "Hahahahahahha! I will make a flying machine with a laser that can zap stuff! Cha-BEK!"

So he did.

* * *

The princess (I should give her a name, shouldn't I? How about Rana?) went down to the chicken coop. Except it wasn't there. "Aaaaaaaaa!" she said. "What happened to my chickens???"

Suddenly, a flying machine with a laser that could zap stuff appeared in front of her! It zapped her.

"Hahahahahhaha!" said Dotrichabek. "I will bring back Rana's ghost and make her sell froggy clothes for the rest of her unlife!"

So he did.
Then Dotrichabek went away to destroy more stuff and take over the world and lived happily ever after. (And Rana unlived unhappily ever after selling froggy clothes.)